Make A Donation or Pledge
Together, St. Michael’s parishioners provide most of our annual budget through giving to the church. Without your generosity and gifts, St. Michael’s would not exist. The resources you invest in the work of the church will be put to thoughtful and prayerful use.
Donate using PayPal or Credit Card
1) Click the "Donate" button above.
2) Select the dollar amount you want to donate or pledge.
3) Click on "use this donation for" and make your selection from that drop down box.
The Finance Committee is grateful for those who send in their pledge card as it is helpful in planning the church budget.
Another way to donate is by scanning our QR Code
HELP US DECORATE OUR ALTAR WITH BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS. The 2024 altar flower sign up calendar can be found in the Narthex. People like to give Altar Flowers in celebration of a special event, in memory of someone special or just because! Whatever the reason, your gift adds a beautiful layer to the Sunday morning worship experience. Thank you to everyone who donated flowers last year and to everyone who will give flowers throughout 2024! The cost for the two vases is $100. You may donate one ($50) or both floral arrangements. Donations can be mailed in or put in the Sunday offertory plate. |